LHD clips high voltage cables | Mine shuts down

April 8, 2019 Mining Editor

In a somewhat bizarre but frightening incident, a Load Haul Dumper (LHD) operator has shut down an underground coal mine when a raised bucket clipped high voltage cables in a roadway.

The NSW Resources regulator said that cable damage resulted in an arc occurring in an underground coal mine.

According to the Regulator, the LHD was being reversed down a roadway.

The bucket of LHD raised and made contact with two high voltage cables. A flash occurred and the power to the mine tripped.

The Regulator said that operators must remain vigilant while in control of mobile plant. including when operating with attachments and trailers.

Additionally, it highlighted that high voltage cables must be installed to a standard and include mechanical protection in areas identified as being at risk of interaction with mobile plant.

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